@editopt +local @clientopt +edit @clientopt +mcp-editThereafter you should be presented with whatever passes for a local editor session in your client when you type:
@edit meAfter all this, MCP editing mode only works if your client has established an MCP authentication key with the server.
Host: your.firewall.com Port: 23You should then see the firewall's prompt. At the prompt enter the commands you normally type to get to your chosen M**:
prompt> connect jhm.ccs.neu.edu 1709You should now see the M**'s login screen. Enter your character's login id and password, and you're in!
@set-jtext-form tkmooThereafter commands like 'help' will be displayed using different fonts for headers and links. jtext is only available for JHCore MOOs.
You can turn jtext off with a command like:
@set-jtext-form linemode
... message '...' not authenticated by key ...What does this mean?"
You can add the '@xmcp_challenge' command to your worlds.tkm file for the MOO you're connecting to. Then the client will automatically type '@xmcp_challenge' for you each time you connect to the MOO.
Q: "I tried using the desktop and the MOO printed out the
following message:
bad caller[_perms()].
What does this mean?"
A: This message gets printed for two reasons. Either you tried
using an object that you weren't authorised to use, eg: an
object that you didn't own and which would have sent messages
to someone other than yourself. Alternatively this message
appears if the XMCP/1.1 object suite has not been properly
ported to a MOO. The XMCP/1.1 Driver and XMCP/1.1 Feature
Object are linked to each other by special properties on the
objects. See About XMCP/1.1 for more information on installing
these objects.
#$#authentication_key 123456789The string '123456789' is the key. The #$#auth... message is normally sent automatically by the Client when it sees the Server send some magic token. JHCore sends:
#$#mcp version: 1.0to the Client when you connect. A client like tkMOO-light detects this, chooses an authentication key and sends the #$#aut.... message in response.
Some MOOs correctly send information to the client to let it
establish the key, but sometimes the MOO needs a little prompting.
If you're a programmer then you can try adding the following
line to the Connection script for the world
you're connecting to:
;;notify(player, "#$#mcp version: 1.0")