The server is a Guest-only site, and no user-accounts are being given out at this time.
The server's address is 8888.
To say something, type the " character (double-quote) before your speech. For example, when you type:
"Hello everyone.Other people in the room will see:
Guest says, "Hello everyone."To perform an action, type the : character (colon) before your action. For example, when you type:
:waves.Other people in the room will see:
Guest waves.To look at objects in the room, type look, followed by the name of the object. For example, to take a closer look at the packing crate in the Office Foyer, type:
look crateYou will see the description:
A large and heavy looking packing crate. A label on the crate reads 'VVV this side up VVV'.To find out more about the large number of commands that are available on the site, type:
helpYou will see a list of available commands grouped into different categories. The first page of help looks like this:
SUMMARY ======= Help is available on the following general topics: introduction what's going on here and some basic commands index index into the help system characters setting characteristics of yourself movement moving yourself between rooms communication communicating with other players manipulation moving or using other objects miscellaneous commands that don't fit anywhere else building extending the MOO programming writing code in the MOO programming language editors editing text and code in the MOO @options customizing your MOO environment @pagelength what to do if lines scroll off your screen too fast @linelength what to do if lines are truncated Type `help <topic>' for information on a particular topic, or `pick <number>' to follow a numbered link.