# # tkMOO # ~/.tkMOO-lite/plugins/webbrowser.tcl # # tkMOO-light is Copyright (c) Andrew Wilson 1994,1995,1996,1997,1998, # 1999,2000,2001 # # All Rights Reserved # # Permission is hereby granted to use this software for private, academic # and non-commercial use. No commercial or profitable use of this # software may be made without the prior permission of the author. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ANDREW WILSON ``AS IS'' AND ANY # EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT ANDREW WILSON BE LIABLE FOR # ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE # GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER # IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR # OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN # IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # A wrapper for the webbrowser on your platform. On startup it'll # look for an executable (on UNIX and Macintosh platforms), which # you can override using the 'Webbrowser executable' directive in # the Preferences Editor. The plugin provies the Tcl procedure: # # webbrowser.open $url # # to the Triggers environment and the rest of the client. Check for # browser availablility with # # webbrowser.is_available => 1 | 0 # You can call 'webbrowser.open $url' from the Triggers environment. # For example the following trigger turns URLs into clickable # hyperlinks. # # proc url_link str { # set cmd_tag [unique_id t] # if { [webbrowser.is_available] } { # make_hyperlink $cmd_tag "webbrowser.open $str" # return T_$cmd_tag # } # return "" # } # trigger -regexp {(ftp|http|telnet)://([^\"\'\`\\)\(> ]+)} \ # -continue \ # -command { # highlight_all_apply {(ftp|http|telnet)://([^\"\'\`\\)\(> ]+)} $line url_link # } # TODO # # support on the Macintosh is a bit limited at the moment. Tcl's # AppleScript interface insists on presenting you with a dialog to # locate the webbrowser executable, even if you give a full-path to # the file. client.register webbrowser start client.register webbrowser stop client.register webbrowser client_connected proc webbrowser.start {} { global webbrowser_executable tcl_platform \ webbrowser_redirector_conn webbrowser_redirector_port \ webbrowser_ran if { $tcl_platform(platform) != "windows" } { preferences.register webbrowser {Special Forces} { { {directive WebbrowserExecutable} {type file} {file-access readonly} {default ""} {default_if_empty} {display "Webbrowser executable"} } } webbrowser.find_executable } if { $tcl_platform(platform) == "macintosh" } { package require Tclapplescript } edittriggers.register_alias webbrowser.open webbrowser.open edittriggers.register_alias webbrowser.is_available webbrowser.is_available set webbrowser_redirector_port "" if { $tcl_platform(platform) == "unix" } { # find the first available port for {set port 9999} {$port < 9999+5} {incr port} { set webbrowser_redirector_conn "" catch { set webbrowser_redirector_conn [socket -server webbrowser.do_redirect $port] } if { $webbrowser_redirector_conn != "" } { set webbrowser_redirector_port $port break } } } set webbrowser_ran [pid] } proc webbrowser.stop {} { global webbrowser_redirector_conn catch { close $webbrowser_redirector_conn } } proc webbrowser.client_connected {} { webbrowser.find_executable return [modules.module_deferred] } proc webbrowser.find_executable {} { global webbrowser_executable tcl_platform env # no file, no comment... set webbrowser_executable(unix) "" set webbrowser_executable(macintosh) "" # look for the executable, on unix and w95. provide a list of # possible locations, pick the first one which really exists, # user-override gets preference. if { $tcl_platform(platform) == "unix" } { lappend possibles [worlds.get_generic "" {} {} WebbrowserExecutable] # path elements separated by colon set paths [split $env(PATH) ":"] foreach path $paths { lappend possibles [file join $path netscape] } foreach possible $possibles { if { [file exists $possible] && [file executable $possible] } { set webbrowser_executable(unix) $possible break } } } if { $tcl_platform(platform) == "macintosh" } { set possible [worlds.get_generic "" {} {} WebbrowserExecutable] if { [file exists $possible] && [file executable $possible] } { set webbrowser_executable(macintosh) $possible } } } proc webbrowser.open url { global webbrowser_executable tcl_platform \ webbrowser_redirector_port webbrowser_redirector_key if { $tcl_platform(platform) == "windows" } { if { [string tolower $tcl_platform(os)] == "windows nt" } { # Windows NT # protect '&' if it appears in the URL regsub -all "&" $url "\"\&\"" url if { [catch {exec -- cmd /c start "$url" &} error] } { window.displayCR "Error opening URL $url" window_highlight window.displayCR "$error" window_highlight } } { # Windows 9x if { [catch {exec -- start "$url" &} error] } { window.displayCR "Error opening URL $url" window_highlight window.displayCR "$error" window_highlight } } return } if { $tcl_platform(platform) == "unix" } { if { $webbrowser_executable(unix) == "" } { return } # some meta characters break the -openURL behaviour in NS if { [regexp {[\,\?]} $url] == 1 } { webbrowser.redirector $url set key [webbrowser.random 1000000] set webbrowser_redirector_key $key set url "$webbrowser_redirector_port/$key" } if { [catch {exec $webbrowser_executable(unix) -remote openURL($url)}] != 0 } { if { [catch {exec $webbrowser_executable(unix) $url &} error] } { window.displayCR "Error opening URL $url" window_highlight window.displayCR "$error" window_highlight } } return } if { $tcl_platform(platform) == "macintosh" } { if { $webbrowser_executable(macintosh) == "" } { return } if { [catch { AppleScript execute " tell application \"$webbrowser_executable(macintosh)\" activate geturl \"$url\" end tell " } error] } { window.displayCR "Error opening URL $url" window_highlight window.displayCR "$error" window_highlight } } } proc webbrowser.redirector url { global webbrowser_redirector_conn webbrowser_redirector_url set webbrowser_redirector_url $url } proc webbrowser.do_redirect { conn address port } { global webbrowser_redirector_conn webbrowser_redirector_url \ webbrowser_redirector_key if { $address != "" } { return } # get the key set data [read $conn 256] set get [lindex [split $data "\n"] 0] if { [regexp {^GET /([^ ]*) } $get _ key] == 0 } { return } if { $key != $webbrowser_redirector_key } { return } catch { puts $conn "HTTP/1.0 302 Redirect" puts $conn "Location: $webbrowser_redirector_url" puts $conn "" flush $conn close $conn } set webbrowser_redirector_key "" set webbrowser_redirector_url "" } proc webbrowser.is_available {} { global webbrowser_executable tcl_platform if { $tcl_platform(platform) == "windows" } { return 1 } if { $webbrowser_executable($tcl_platform(platform)) == "" } { return 0 } return 1 } proc webbrowser.random {range} { global webbrowser_ran set webbrowser_ran [expr ($webbrowser_ran * 9301 + 49297) % 233280] set rv [expr int($range * ($webbrowser_ran / double(233280)))] return $rv } # use native random if available global tcl_version if { $tcl_version >= 8.0 } { proc webbrowser.random range { return [expr int(rand() * $range)] } }