
What's New?

10th February 2002

The shell.tcl plugin adds the 'Tools->Shell selection' menu option to the client. Use the plugin to run selected text as a command in your UNIX shell, or run commands from the client's input window.

21st December 2001

tkMOO-light version 0.3.32 has been released. CHANGES include a fix for a rare start-up error, improved support for UNIX webbrowsers, and a help page detailing plugin configurations. There are fixes for the standalone client on Mac OS 9x, and the Preferences Editor, and you can now control the colour of the client's input window.

5th November 2001

tkMOO-light version 0.3.31 has been released. CHANGES include bug-fixes for the standalone client on Mac OS 9x, and the Preferences Editor.

20th October 2001

tkMOO-light version 0.3.30 has been released. CHANGES include improved installation and operation on UNIX machines and added support for debugging plugins. Triggered highlights and ANSI colour can exist on the same line and a new plugin provides support for the dns-com-awns-timezone package. The Help menu has a quick link to the client's demonstration server at Moo.Awns.Com.

4th October 2001

Moo.Awns.Com is a demonstration site for the tkMOO-light client, MCP/2.1 packages and related applications. Visitors are encouraged to take a look around and try out the available software.

1st October 2001

The Access Grid Project is using tkMOO-light to support a large-scale distributed multimedia environment. Find out more.

26th September 2001

Some new software packages are available for MOO servers. These applications include Time-Zone Watches, a Stock Ticker, a Spell-Checker and a Search-Engine Interface.

20th September 2001

The pretty.tcl plugin adds the 'Edit->Prettyprint MOO' menu option to the client's local editor. Use the option to reformat MOO-code, indenting lines correctly. Added some notes for Running tkMOO-light on MacOS X.

8th September 2001

tkMOO-light version 0.3.29 has been released. CHANGES include improved stability and look-and-feel for Macintosh, and improved font-chooser behaviour on Windows. The built-in MacMOOSE browser has been improved, and there are many minor fixes for all platforms. The Macintosh version is available as a single-file download, and doesn't require a separate installation of Tcl/Tk.

25th August 2001

The timezone.tcl plugin implements the dns-com-awns-timezone MCP/2.1 package. This lets the client tell the server which time-zone you're currently in. The server can use this information to build meeting-schedule tools and other applications.

24th August 2001

The latest version of the Tcl/Tk port for Macintosh is 8.3.3. An upgrade is recommended.

1st August 2001

Find out more about MOOville, part of the Networked Writing Environment at the University of Florida.

24th July 2001

Connections is making use of tkMOO-light. Find out more.

30th June 2001

tkMOO-light version 0.3.28 has been released. CHANGES include two new plugins supporting the dns-com-awns-displayurl and dns-com-awns-serverinfo MCP/2.1 packages. Input window performance on Windows has also been improved.

21st June 2001

The serverinfo.tcl plugin implements the dns-com-awns-serverinfo MCP/2.1 package. This lets the server provide the client with several useful URLs for Home Page and Help Pages.

8th June 2001

The scoop.tcl plugin creates a page of HTML from the text you select on the client window. You can use it to produce quick web-ready logs of conversations, for your own records or to share online.

23rd April 2001

tkMOO-light version 0.3.27 has been released. CHANGES include a fix for broken local-echo behaviour, improved default colour for locally-echoed text and improved support for MCP/2.1 messages.

8th December 2000

Joshua May has released a new version of the toolbar.tcl plugin. Local editors can now have a toolbar with buttons for the most frequently used commands. The compass rosette can also be used to '@dig' rooms.

5th December 2000

tkMOO-light version 0.3.26 has been released. CHANGES include improved word-completion and new command-completion behaviour, and improved support for clickable URLs. ANSI colour codes have been updated and blinking text is now supported. The standalone distribution for Windows platforms is now based on Tcl/Tk 8.2.3.

8th November 2000

Please, please, please don't mirror this website or its contents. If you're already mirroring stuff then please stop.

8th November 2000

The plugin spell.tcl has been updated. The dictionary is now read by a background process, which makes the client more responsive when connecting to a new site.

6th May 2000

tkMOO-light version 0.3.25 has been released. CHANGES include two new plugins which display URLs as clickable links, and provide access to search engines. More emacs-like key bindings have been added and MouseWheel and 5-button mice are now supported. Installation on UNIX has been improved.

5th May 2000

Joshua May has released a new version of the toolbar.tcl plugin. The compass rosette toolbar is now presented in a separate window.

17th March 2000

The MCP/2.1 package dns-com-awns-jtext has been updated. This fixes a problem when selecting multi-name verbs for display.

13th March 2000

A new speak_weirdly.tcl plugin rewrites normal MOO speech forms and helps to make output a little less predictable.

4th March 2000

tkMOO-light version 0.3.24 has been released. CHANGES include fixes for input cursors and keybindings on Macintosh and improvements to the Colour Chooser and Font Chooser dialogs. The standalone distribution for Windows platforms is now based on Tcl/Tk 8.2.3.

18th January 2000

A new cvw.tcl plugin supports a small subset of the CVW application suite. It currently implements clickable maps, user-listings, room contents, user inventory and editable notes.

1st January 2000

tkMOO-light version 0.3.23 has been released. CHANGES include improvements for displaying and processing URLs. Better support for local editing and hypertext on JHCore and improvements to the Preferences Editor. The standalone distribution for Windows platforms is now based on Tcl/Tk 8.2.2.

21st December 1999

Joshua May has written a new toolbar.tcl plugin. The plugin provides 3 useful toolbars: A set of graphical buttons for common commands, a set of buttons bound to user-defined commands and a compass rosette to help you navigate around the mud.

18th December 1999

Joshua May has updated the keypad.tcl plugin.

9th December 1999

tkMOO-light's home-page has moved to a new location. You can find us now at

6th December 1999

Joshua May has written a new keypad.tcl plugin lets you bind commands to keys in the numeric keypad. Pressing a keypad key will send the commands to the server.

4th December 1999

Russell Pickett has updated the syntax.tcl plugin which allows the built-in editor to perform syntax highlighting on its contents.

29th November 1999

A new url_trigger.tcl plugin detects URLs when they appear on the client's main window and turns them into clickable links. Clicking on a link will then open a webbrowser pointing at the URL.

5th November 1999

A new search_macro.tcl plugin allows you to type '?' followed by a search term and then opens a webbrowser window containing the search results. You can search using any one of several popular search engines.

2nd November 1999

tkMOO-light version 0.3.22 has been released. CHANGES include fixes for local editors and the Preferences Editor. The standalone distribution for Windows platforms is now based on Tcl/Tk 8.2.1.

23rd October 1999

tkMOO-light version 0.3.21 has been released. CHANGES include fixes for minor problems with MCP/2.1 support and triggers behaviour. A webrowser control plugin is now part of the distribution. A self-extracting archive is now available to allow easy installation on Windows platforms.

19th October 1999

The new fnkeys.tcl plugin lets you bind commands to function keys. Pressing a function key will send the commands to the server. The syntax.tcl plugin has been updated, and now works with the latest versions of the client.

10th October 1999

Added the MCP/2.1 package dns-com-awns-displayurl for use with the displayurl.tcl plugin. This package allows the server to send URLs to the client. The client should then use a client-side webbrowser to display the contents of the URL.

11th September 1999

Added the MCP/2.1 package dns-com-awns-getset for use with the getset.tcl plugin. This package allows the client to save data to and load data from the server.

6th July 1999

tkMOO-light version 0.3.20 has been released. CHANGES include support for features like syntax-highlighting in local editors. Triggers can now access and be controlled by settings in the Preferences Editor. The Triggers environment and 'dabbrev' word completion code have been made more robust.

2nd July 1999

Russell Pickett has released a new plugin, syntax.tcl which allows the built-in editor to perform syntax highlighting on its contents. Currently only MOO code highlighting is supported and the plugin requires tkMOO-light version 0.3.20-dev-01 or later.

1st July 1999

The MCP/2.1 package dns-com-awns-rehash has been updated. In addition, a 20-thousand word dictionary has been made available for use with the spell.tcl plugin.

12th June 1999

tkMOO-light version 0.3.19 has been released. CHANGES include a separate plugin containing code for dns-org-mud-moo-simpleedit, improved support for Tcl/7.6 Tk/4.2, the addition of a '-priority' parameter for Macros and many performance tweaks. A standalone executable version of the client is also available for Windows 95 which does not require the Tcl/Tk system to be installed separately.

9th June 1999

The experimental plugin spell.tcl has been updated. The plugin now makes use of the spell-checking utility 'ispell' as well as 'look', when available.

30th May 1999

The experimental plugin spell.tcl has been updated. The plugin now works for UNIX, Windows and Macintosh users and supports personal dictionaries for jargon and uncommon terms.

23rd May 1999

Added a short description of the toolbar provided by the rose2.1.tcl plugin. This simple display provides a clickable map interface and user awareness tool using information derived from the dns-com-awns-visual MCP/2.1 package.

1st May 1999

A version of the dns-com-awns-rehash package has been made available for JHCore based MOOs supporting the JHCore MCP/2.1 Implementation. The package provides clients with up-to-date information about the set of server commands which can be typed by the user.

30th April 1999

An experimental plugin rehash.tcl. has been released. The plugin supports the dns-com-awns-rehash MCP/2.1 package and enables the client to tell if the words being typed are something you want to 'say' or something you want to 'do'.

12th April 1999

An experimental plugin subwindow.tcl, has been released. The plugin lets you display messages in a subwindow. It can make use of triggers and macros to pass messages to and from the server.

5th April 1999

A third-party plugin mcptrace.tcl has been released. This plugin creates a separate window to display all MCP communication between the client and the server, and is a useful tool for debugging MCP applications.

3rd April 1999

An early version of tkMOO-light's API documentation is now available.

26th March 1999

The MCP/2.1 package for the dns-org-mud-moo-simpleedit protocol has been updated and now contains a new file, lmcore.moo, which contains MOO code modifications suitable for a LambdaCore based MOO. The modifications enable existing local editor commands, like '@edit' and '@send', to make use of the dns-org-mud-moo-simpleedit package.

11th March 1999

An experimental plugin, spell.tcl has been released. For UNIX users only, this plugin uses the 'look' command to detect spelling mistakes in the input window. Mispelled words are highlghted automatically while you type so you can catch your typos before you hit the Return key.

22nd February 1999

tkMOO-light version 0.3.18 has been released. CHANGES allow Local Editors to detect text files properly on Macintosh. Triggers are now able to rewrite incoming lines of text which can then activate additional triggers. Display of status bars is now optional.

21st December 1998

tkMOO-light version 0.3.17 has been released. CHANGES allow plugins to to define Triggers,Macros and Gags which coexist with user-supplied definitions. Keybindings for Macintosh are improved. Command-a selects text, Command-q quits the client. Local editors are now able to access local text files with 'Open/Save.../Save As...' menu options.

14th December 1998

Two new plugins have been made available. visual.tcl provides support for the dns-com-awns-visual MCP/2.1 package. rose2.1.tcl makes use of the interface supplied by the visual.tcl plugin to provide a simple clickable map interface and user awareness information in a toolbar.

13th December 1998

A version of the dns-com-awns-visual package has been made available for JHCore based MOOs supporting the JHCore MCP/2.1 Implementation. The package provides clients with up-to-date information about places, topology and people online. Clients can display this information in the form of navigable maps or user listings.

8th December 1998

The experimental plugin webbrowser.tcl has been updated, with improvements for UNIX and Macintosh users.

3rd December 1998

A version of the dns-com-awns-ping package has been made available for MOOs supporting the JHCore MCP/2.1 Implementation.

Added a new plugin to the plugins page which supports dns-com-awns-ping. Ping times are displayed in a small statubar indicator.

23rd November 1998

Scriptics have released the latest version of the Tcl and Tk libraries which are used by tkMOO-light. Version 8.0.4 features improved support for the Macintosh Appearance Manager.

18th November 1998

tkMOO-light version 0.3.16 has been released. CHANGES include support for ANSI Codes, improved command-line option processing, more efficient use of logfiles and environment variables can be used to locate the client's data files.

31st October 1998

A version of the dns-org-mud-moo-simpleedit package has been made available for MOOs supporting the JHCore MCP/2.1 Implementation. The client supports this local editing package by default.

30th October 1998

Added a new plugin to the plugins page which sends the MOO command '@linelength ' whenever the client window is resized.

20th October 1998

Added information about the JHCore MCP/2.1 Implementation.

Added a new plugin to the plugins page which provides a common interface for the platform's webbrowser

19th October 1998

Added a new plugin for supporting ANSI Codes on the plugins page.

11th October 1998

tkMOO-light version 0.3.15 has been released. CHANGES include fixes for problems which occurred on all platforms when creating a new world and for a display bug in the MacMOOSE browser when running on Macintosh.

3rd October 1998

Added some new experimental plugins to those mentioned on the plugins page.

2nd October 1998

Added a developers mailing list intended for general and sometimes very technical discussions related to the development of the client, plugins and the client API. The list also suits early adopters and people who like to hang out on the leading edge.

27th September 1998

tkMOO-light version 0.3.14 has been released. CHANGES include improved handling of the '-f <file>' command-line option, UI tweaks for Macintosh and fixes for a few rarely seen bugs. Support for MCP/2.1 is now turned On by default.

6th September 1998

tkMOO-light version 0.3.13 has been released. CHANGES include much improved support for Macintosh. New key bindings for Macintosh and Windows and a host of minor UI tweaks.

30th August 1998

tkMOO-light version 0.3.12 has been released. CHANGES include fixes for highlighting screen text when using Triggers and official support for the MCP/2.1 Out of Band protocol.

24th August 1998

Some updated screen shots have been placed in the walkthrough page, replacing much older versions. The latest versions of the client make better use of native menus, colours and fonts. If you've been avoiding the client till now because you didn't like the look of it then look again.

16th August 1998

tkMOO-light version 0.3.11 has been released. CHANGES include bugfixes for highlighting screen text when using Triggers.

28th July 1998

tkMOO-light version 0.3.10 has been released. CHANGES include documented command-line options and an optional login dialog box when connecting to worlds for which no username and password have been defined.

16th June 1998

tkMOO-light version 0.3.09 has been released. CHANGES include an improved MacMOOSE browser and fixes for local editing on the Macintosh.

An experimental plugin for the MCP/2.1 Out Of Band protocol is now available. Future versions of the client may include MCP/2.1 in the distribution.

The list of known bugs for all platforms has been updated. Please get in touch if there are any other bugs you have seen (be sure to upgrade to the latest version of the client first though).

17th May 1998

tkMOO-light version 0.3.08 has been released. CHANGES include new plugins as part of the distribution and more styling changes to suit Windows 95.

5th May 1998

tkMOO-light version 0.3.07 has been released. CHANGES include case-insensitive triggers, improved default fonts for Macintosh and additional built-in help text.

15th March 1998

tkMOO-light version 0.3.06 has been released. CHANGES include fixes for the Preferences Editor, making text selections on Windows 95 and improved installation instructions for Windows 95 and Macintosh.

8th March 1998

A new experimental Cold Text plugin has been developed. The plugin is able to display Cold's ctext hypertext format as on-screen clickable links. You can use the hypertext to display special objects, exits and information from the Cold Help system.

21st February 1998

Some more information on the client's Programmable Plugins interface is now available.

15th February 1998

A new example of programming MOO code and client code for the XMCP/1.1 protocol has been added.

15th February 1998

tkMOO-light version 0.3.05 has been released. CHANGES include a new directive to control the client's window resizing behaviour, greater control when programming triggers and an important fix for the MacMOOse code.

7th December 1997

tkMOO-light version 0.3.04 has been released. CHANGES include a 'DEFAULT WORLD' which can be used to define Preference settings common to all the worlds.

26th November 1997

Sun Microsytems' SunScript group have released new and improved versions of Tcl and Tk, now versions 8.0p2. Make sure you upgrade to make the most of these changes.

8th November 1997

Sun Microsytems' SunScript group have released new and improved versions of Tcl and Tk. Make sure you upgrade to make the most of these changes.

25th October 1997

tkMOO-light version 0.3.03 has been released. CHANGES include an improved Kiosk mode, more example Triggers and an important bug fix which improves the way the client stores Preferences.

12th October 1997

tkMOO-light version 0.3.02 has been released. CHANGES include improved behaviour on Windows 95 and Macintosh platforms and example worlds.tkm and triggers.tkm files.

5th October 1997

A new page brings together several of the experiments and projects that have influenced the design and future shape of tkMOO-light.

21st September 1997

tkMOO-light version 0.3.01 has been released. CHANGES include fixes to a few serious bugs in the previous release. The local editor now uses native menus on Windows 95 and there's a new tool to browse and select fonts which makes configuring the client less of a chore.

17th August 1997

tkMOO-light version 0.3.00 has been released. CHANGES include a modified API which effects plugins, a new kiosk mode which reduces the size of the client window and support for native menus on the Windows 95 platform.

26th July 1997

tkMOO-light version 0.2.64 has been released. CHANGES include a new colour chooser tool for the Preferences Editor and an improved look for the input window.

6th July 1997

tkMOO-light version 0.2.63 has been released. CHANGES include a new command line option to allow you to start the client and connect to the World of your choice. In addition the Preferences Editor contains a 'Paragraph Layout' category which gives you more control over the way text is displayed on the client's output window.

17th June 1997

There's now a short preview of a couple of new features which will probably turn up in the next version of the client. User programmable Plugins and a Status Bar.

11th June 1997

tkMOO-light's supporting webpages and the latest versions of the client are now being mirrored on a fast US-based webserver.

8th June 1997

tkMOO-light version 0.2.62 has been released. CHANGES include fixes for the MOO commands '@xwho' and '@browse' and a fix to prevent an error when attempting to save preferences the first time the client had ever been used.

7th June 1997

The MOO-code implementations of the XMCP/1.1 Driver (xdr) and XMCP/1.1 Feature Object (xfo) have been upgraded.

24th May 1997

tkMOO-light version 0.2.61 has been released. CHANGES include several bugfixes to the built-in editor.

2nd April 1997

tkMOO-light version 0.2.60 has been released. CHANGES include several bugfixes to dabbrev (TAB completion), editor search/replace functions, and an improved history list.

There are also some pages about recent experiments with maps, to help navigate round a mud, and an early look at an experimental chat applet, which embeds a simple Tcl chat client inside a webbrowser.

6th March 1997

tkMOO-light version 0.2.59 has been released. CHANGES include an improved Preferences Editor, a more flexible way to control text highlighting with Triggers, and several bugfixes to make the client more useable on Windows NT platforms.

14th February 1997

tkMOO-light version 0.2.58 has been released. CHANGES include a new Preferences Editor.

30th January 1997

tkMOO-light version 0.2.57 has been released. CHANGES include improvements to the built-in text editor.

31st December 1996

tkMOO-light version 0.2.56 has been released. CHANGES include new Worlds Definition File directives which allow you to set the foreground and background colours for the client's Output window and to control the fonts used throughout the client. The client now supports dabbrevs (also known as TAB completion).

18th December 1996

You can now keep in touch with all the latest developments by joining the client-announce mailing list. client-announce is a low volume mailing list intended only as a moderated alerting service to carry announcements of new versions of tkMOO-light and related bulletins.

Only the moderator of client-announce may send messages to it, but if you have any comments or suggestions relating to tkMOO-light then you can send mail to

3rd December 1996

tkMOO-light version 0.2.55 has been released. CHANGES include a bugfix which allows per-user options from the ~/.tkmoolightrc file to be set correctly for fonts and colours.

29th November 1996

Documentation is now available for each of the Available Directives in the worlds.tkm file format.

28th November 1996

Added some Notes on Porting New Objects to a MOO which help to explain some of the problems you may face when adding XMCP/1.1 and related objects to your MOO database.

18th November 1996

tkMOO-light version 0.2.54 has been released. CHANGES have been made to allow you to resize the input window which makes it easier to enter very long lines of text.

5th November 1996

tkMOO-light version 0.2.53 has been released. Several CHANGES have been made to the triggers and gags mechanism and the online documentation has been updated accordingly.

31st October 1996

Updated documentation for triggers and gags, detailing the commands used to interface triggers with the client's internal routines. New information on writing to the client's main window, writing to the server, creating tags for differently coloured text, and more.

29th October 1996

tkMOO-light version 0.2.52 has been released. CHANGES fix a bug that prevented XMCP/1.1 and MacMOOse from working properly under certain conditions. If you were having problems with Desktops, Whiteboards or the MacMOOse Object Browser then try upgrading.

28th October 1996

tkMOO-light version 0.2.51 has been released. CHANGES include user definable triggers and gags.

The software is now subject to a LICENCE.

24th October 1996

Sun recently released new versions of Tcl and Tk with resulting performance improvements for Macintosh users. Find out if you should upgrade your copies of Tcl and Tk.

19th October 1996

There are now some instructions to take you, step by step, through the process of installing XMCP/1.1 on your MOO for the first time and for creating and using your own Desktop and Whiteboard objects.

15th October 1996

There's some information on the development of the MacMOOSE emulator which allows users of Windows95 and UNIX machines to interract with the MacMOOSE programming environment.

14th October 1996

You can control the fonts used by the client by adding definitions to the Resoures File that the client reads when it starts up.

13th October 1996

There's a new page giving you news and information about projects and people who are finding uses for the client. Details on the implementation of the XMCP/1.1 protocol have been updated.

25th September 1996

Version 0.2.50 is released, clearing up a few nasty bugs which got past quality control. Yeah, nice concept.